
The Eastern Pennsylvania Presbytery is a gathering of local churches of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) united by our regional proximity, our reformed theological perspectives, our submission to the Word of God, and our commitment to the Great Commission. 


  1. We desire to be a presbytery characterized by a strong sense of spiritual unity, both as individuals and as churches, within the bounds of our commitment to be true to the Scriptures, to our Reformed Heritage, and to the Great Commission.
  2. We desire to be characterized by ongoing leadership development, both in terms of current members of Presbytery and officers of our local churches, as well as developing future elders, deacons, and teachers within the bounds of our commitment to biblical truth and integrity in both theology and life.
  3. We desire to see existing churches growing both qualitatively and quantitatively, as well as seeing new churches strategically pursued.
  4. We desire to be a gospel-centered presbytery, increasingly characterized by the core values below.


  1. Biblical Integrity – Being men who guard and foster integrity in our theology and in our lives and are committed to resolving conflict biblically.
  2. Dynamic Fellowship – Spiritual unity, brotherly love, growing relationships, unity and diversity without requiring uniformity, unique yet inseparable, having strong mutual trust and support.
  3. Leadership Development – Developing men for more effective leadership in the church through the development of character and knowledge in their personal lives, their families and ministry.  This includes strengthening current elders within the Presbytery, as well as developing, mentoring, and providing oversight for ministerial candidates.
  4. Church Health – Strengthening existing churches by modeling and encouraging a balance between upward focus (Communion), inward focus (Community) and outward focus (Commission).  This also means building mutual support and encouragement between the congregations in the Presbytery and providing training opportunities for our members and member church leaders.
  5. Eastern PA Mission – Owning and engaging the mission field of Eastern Pennsylvania by proactively planting churches, reaching students on college campuses, promoting an outward missional focus in our churches, and encouraging our ministers and missionaries who serve within and beyond our bounds.


Our Standing Rules describe our organization and the functions of our various Teams and Officers.